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PORTALS TO ONLINE COURSES Arizona State University Florida State University Geography Georgia State University Geosciences Chipola College Gulf Coast State College Phoenix College |
COLLEGE GEOGRAPHY COURSES OFFERED ONLINE Chipola College - Introduction to Human Geography I - GEA 2001 Part One - A study of the relationship between human activities and the natural environment, part one. A regional-cultural approach is used and efforts are made to correlate the course content with other Social Sciences. This course has been designated as an international/diversity course. Chipola College - Introduction to Human Geography II GEA 2002 Part Two - A study of the relationship between human activities and the natural environment, part two A regional-cultural approach is used and efforts are made to correlate the course content with other Social Sciences. This course has been designated as an international/diversity course. _________________________ Florida State University, PC - Economic Geography GEO 3502 Economic geography is the study of the location, distribution and spatial organization of economic activities across the Earth. These activities are influenced by many environmental, social, political, historical and other factors. Geology can affect resource availability; geomorphology the cost of transportation, and the quality of soil land use decisions. Climate can influence natural resource availability (forestry products) and location or type of agriculture. The social and political institutions that are unique to a particular region also have an impact on economic decisions. Factors such as access to the sea and the presence of raw materials affect the economic conditions of countries. Singapore, for example, occupies a key position as a seaport, while the wealth of Saudi Arabia depends almost entirely on oil. Today states and their borders play a less significant role as many countries seek mutual cooperation. Economic geography examines such topics as economic “restructuring” and its implications for regional decline and development, emerging regions and the new, “flexible” economy, globalization and the changing role/position of regions, new trends in economic development, and the politics and socio-cultural aspects of regional development . Florida State University, PC - Resource Assessment GEO 4372 The late Aldo Leopold once defined conservation as “a state of harmony between man and the land.” For Leopold, conservation required equal portions of reflection and action. Leopold believed strongly that effective conservation depends primarily on a basic human respect for natural resources. He called such respect a land ethic. Each of us, he said, is individually responsible for maintaining “the health of the land.” A healthy land has “the capacity for self-renewal.” “Conservation,” he concluded, “is our effort to understand and preserve that capacity.” Conservation of natural resources is now usually embraced in the broader conception of conserving the earth itself by protecting its capacity for self-renewal. In practice, management decisions boil down to politics although scientific findings may suggest a different course of action. Sustainable systems of ecosystems management and sustainable development require a long-term view. This course examines basic concepts of conservation, economics, ecology, human population, aquatic environments, water resources, pollution, wildlife, minerals and energy. These topics shed light on the problems facing conservationists, environmentalists, and resource managers as they grapple with complex resource management issues. It will also help us understand how problems in transportation, housing, and waste management might be solved and how society might be nudged onto a sustainable path. Florida State University, PC - Geography of Latin America GEA 4405 This course explores the changing face of Latin America and the Caribbean. We will Identify the shared cultural heritages and historical experiences of Latin American countries. And we will study the region’s diverse natural regions, politics, cultures, and economies. We examine how Latin America's development is closely tied to the global economy. Florida State University, PC - Urban Geography GEO 4602 This course introduces the study of urban geography, through an examination of cities and urban processes. There also will be experiential learning exercises based on Panama City and Seaside. The location of cities and the relationships between different urban areas are critical structures of contemporary society. Urban areas are tremendously diverse and so the course will explore many aspects of city life from a range of geographical perspectives: social, economic, political, historical, etc. Important models and geographical conceptualizations of urban space will be introduced, as will critical issues of urban geography such as transportation, gentrification, planning and zoning laws, urban homelessness, images of cities, inner city decline, suburban growth and land use conflicts. The class is designed to give you knowledge of key areas of public debate and academic urban geography. It will also enable you to use your learning and observation skills through fieldwork. _________________________ Georgia Perimeter College - Introduction to Human Geography GEOG 1101 Prerequisites: Exit or exemption from Learning Support reading or all ESL requirements except ENSL 0091 This course is a survey of global patterns of resources, population, culture, and economic systems. Emphasis is placed upon the factors contributing to these patterns and the distinctions between the technologically advanced and less advanced regions of the world. _________________________ Gulf Coast State College - Geography of Florida GEA 2270 We look at the physical, social, and economic processes that have shaped the rural and urban character of Florida. Topics include physical regions, settlement patterns, economic development, growth & urbanization, natural and cultural landscapes, both natural and human resources, and environmental problems. Emphasis will be on the Florida Panhandle and the Gulf Coast. Gulf Coast State College - Principles of Geography GEO 1000 Geography bridges the social and the physical sciences in its study of the connection between human activities and earth processes and how these interact to create the patterns we observe on the earth's surface. Natural landscapes and conservation, cultural regions & population, urban geography, global economics & resource use, and political geography all fall within the scope of this introductory course. _________________________ Phoenix College, Phoenix, Arizona - Introduction to Economic Geography GCU141 Course Description : Economic geography including global resources, world population, the role of transportation and communications, spatial organization of agriculture, the role of the city in economic activity, theories of industrial location as well as world economic issues & international trade. Phoenix College, Phoenix, Arizona - Geography of Latin America GCU223 Course Description: Spatial overview of the physical, historical, social, and economic characteristics of South, Middle, and Caribbean America. The course explores the physical environment including landforms, climate and ecosystems. Looks at the region's historical background Pre-Conquest, Colonial era, 20th century and today. Discusses economic and political isues as well as the characteristics of population distribution and growth, migration, and cultural/ethnic groups. |
Lynn Curtis Koehnemann :: Panama City Beach, Florida :: 32408 |